Food for a happy and healthy life


A female empowering non-diet dietitian supporting women who want to create a healthier relationship with food.

Hey, I’m Ashlen!

Ashlen Leonard, Registered Dietitian

By challenging the influence of diet culture I help you break free from feelings of stress and anxiety around eating so you find enjoyment in food, allowing you to spend more time doing the things you love.

I believe in creating a life where all foods fit.

Bachelor in Applied Sciences, Professional Masters Diploma in Dietetics, Diploma in Sports Nutrition from the International Olympic Committee

This business was born through necessity when I realized what was happening in the nutrition and diet industry. I was working my first full-time job in a weight loss clinic. This role included teaching clients how to manage portion sizes, coaching them through calorie counting and (you guessed it), listening to their disappointment when they didn’t see a budge on the scale and felt like it was their fault when they couldn’t maintain calorie restrictions 

Let’s Bring It Back to the Beginning…

I want to enjoy food!

Spoiler: it’s the diet, not you!

At the same time, in order to practice what I was preaching and manage my weight after an injury, I started tracking my food intake. But when I realized just how anxiety-provoking tracking calories was, I knew something had to change. It wasn’t normal that my clients and I were going to bed anxious because we didn’t want to eat more than “allowed,” even when we were hungry!

This started me on the journey of educating myself on Health At Every Size principles, Intuitive Eating and weight neutral care. 

With this enlightened view on health I stopped tracking calories, quit my job and slowly but surely built a much healthier relationship with food. I then brought the tools and knowledge that helped me into meetings with my new clients.

We talk about the downfalls of dieting, the joy that food can and should bring and the sense of ease that comes when we’re not spending days feeling anxious about food. Over time, it has brought me so much happiness to see my clients realize that there is more to life than trying to eat as little as possible.

My mission is to empower women who feel stressed and confused about what to eat, develop a positive relationship with food through services and resources that help them build confidence in finding enjoyment in food.

I would love to support you too.

I could spend hours lying on a beach and reading (with snacks on hand of course).

I’m a huge boy band fan- BSB, Jonas Brothers (I’ve seen them both in concert), you name it.

I worked at a local ice cream shop for 6 summers throughout high school and university years

3 things you may not know about me.




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